1-200 Burwell Rd, St. Thomas, ON N5P 4G6


Termination Form

Today's Date



Unit Number

Termination Date

Other Tenants Name

Forwarding Address


Phone Number

This is to give a 60 day written notice from the end of the month as the lease states that I/we are terminating the tenancy agreement on the rental home.

I/We will be responsible to:

1) pay the utilities until the termination of lease date, even if I move out sooner.

2) remove all garbage and furniture and all our personal items from the unit, inside and outside, prior to 11pm on the termination date and to leave the unit in the same manner in which I/we rented it, clean and empty. I/We understand that anything left in the unit will be taken to the dump and I/we will be charged a disposal fee.

3) repair any damages not caused by "normal wear and tear" or to cover the costs of repair or replacement of missing items, charged to me after final inspection.

4) lock all doors and windows when vacating the unit and return the keys to Housing office.

I/We understand that there will be a preliminary and final inspection of the unit, to check for any damages or missing items which will be recorded and charged to our rental account if not repaired or replaced by final inspection. I/We agree that if the Landlord, its employees, agents, contractors and others expressly authorized by the Landlord, may enter the Unit and shall be allowed free and uninterrupted access to the Unit between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. every day, with written notice, to undertake repairs and/or perform work and/or improvements, as well as without written notice, to show the Unit to people who may want to rent it after a notice of termination has been given and I/we have agreed to terminate this Agreement, provided that the Landlord has informed or made a reasonable effort to inform me/us beforehand.

If the actual move out date is prior to the date of terminating the tenancy agreement, you may enter the unit to make any necessary repairs or changes for the next tenant.

By initialling this form, I am in agreement with the conditions set out above
